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👼 Absolute guide for starters to learn about cyber security for starting your carrier😈

✔️ What will you learn:

👻 Understand Hacking: The guide covers different types of hacking and how hackers may attempt to gain unauthorized access to systems or data.
👻 Understand Malware: The guide educates readers on various types of malicious software and how to detect and prevent malware infections.
👻 Understand Biometrics: The guide explains the benefits and limitations of biometric security measures like fingerprint and facial recognition.
👻 Understand BYOD (Bring Your Own Device): The guide discusses the security challenges and management strategies for employees using personal devices to access company resources.
👻 Understand Essential Cyber Defense Strategies: The guide covers fundamental cybersecurity best practices and defense mechanisms to improve personal and organizational security.

Cyber Security for Beginners by @hackbyabd_official
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